Saturday, February 24, 2007

V-Day Gift

So, here's my V-Day gift. I used cheaper yarn than the pattern called for, so you can see some stuffing showing through, but it was hard as poop, and I learned a lot of new techniques (increasing, decreasing, dpns, leaving stitches on a holder and coming back to them later - think that's it). So, here it is from both sides. It's from the Winter 06/07 issue of Knit.1 ("The Love Issue").

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Still working on purses. Felted two and working on another. I guess I will post pictures of the felted ones next week although I am not sure if I'm 100% happy with the results.

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1 comment:

KitteeBee said...

it's patriotic too!
i didn't know you had this blog, now i do!
