Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Not in my store you don't

I am getting nothing accomplished today. Doesn't it look like this sign says "piss on pizza" though?

Monday, September 24, 2007

Workin on some stuff

This is the current state of the snake scarf I am working on. I have 20 stripes, and I am working my way toward 33. I will then begin the head. I finished the clutch and liner I am going to felt. Totally not feeling like making the strap, but I also can't think of what I want to cast on next. What I need to do is finish a couple of unfinished and neglected projects that are stuffed in the closet but not feelin that either. And now I have two more projects to sew up and felt. ugh I hate the finishing steps.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

I have been feeling fairly unproductive at work lately. I'm just not in the mood to do the projects that I have set out for myself, so I have been doing a lot of piddling around. I found this site via a new Firefox plugin I downloaded called StumbleUpon. Anyone have any experience with this?

Create roses out of maple leaves

Went to see the Yarn Harlot last night. She was quite amusing. Shouldn't have had the two glasses of wine, though. They made me a bit melancholy. Started feeling old and lame for some reason, but it passed and then I was just tired.

The weather this past week has been amazing. I have been craving this weather for months. Please don't get hot again, Georgia.

So, the Yarn Harlot was in Atlanta last night and hundreds and hundreds of knitters showed up. I spent a lot of time goggling at everyone else's stuff as I worked on my plain ol' stockinette stitched purse lining. I don't work on anything complex when anyone else is around, because I always end up having to rip it out to fix mistakes. Meanwhile, Stephanie (the Yarn Harlot, that is) is standing there at the podium giving a very funny little talk all the while knitting away with no thought or spare glance at a sock on double pointed needles.

I am such an amateur this makes me realize....

Anyway - I hate typing on this frigging laptop. So. Done.

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Sunday, September 16, 2007


The finished dragon from the Morehouse Farms kit. I think it looks pretty sweet. Just started a new kit from the same place over the weekend. It will be a rattlesnake.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Current projects take 2

Bart Simpson looks over the very humble beginnings of what will be a striped rattlesnake scarf. It is also from a kit - this one from Morehouse Farms. They seriously have the coolest stuff. Just yesterday I was looking at the new issue of knitty and saw an ad for a scarf kit that looks like a bunch of rats. Sweet.

Current projects take 1

Current progress on a purse kit from pick up sticks. I'm all about the kits lately for some reason. Anyway this will end up getting felted and having these other 2 colors used as a stripey inside.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

the downfall of buying books online

I got some new knitting books I ordered, and some of these patterns are downright hideous. I give you the "woodstock waistcoat" and some homeless wino they bribed to model it.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Movies and stars

I have been watching lots of movies lately - mostly via Netflix.

Anyway - I watched these movies over the weekend:

Amores Perros - I have seen this one before, but it's been several years. I didn't remember exactly how much dog death there was in it or I would've warned Bill. Anyway - I liked it just as much on rewatching it, although it is longer than I remembered too. This is not necessarily a bad thing, pendejo.

Garden State - I really ended up liking this more than I thought I would. I had assumed it would be your run-of-the-mill romantic comedy, but it was much quirkier than that label. I liked the music in it a lot, too. Two songs in particular are ones that have been given to me on various Bill compilations, so I liked hearing something familiar. The ending was somewhat disappointing to me, but I prefer tragic/realistic endings as opposed to open-ended happily ever after endings. My brain thinks of all of the potential problems with the scenario continuing into the future. Anyway - no matter.

Ginger Snaps - I really like this movie even though it's kind of cheese. I have watched it several times, but not within the last few years. I didn't pay 100% attention to it, because I was knitting, but I liked it. I like the main characters and their relationship with each other. The sister/sister bond is always a messed up one, and I should know. My favorite part of the movie are the assorted "death scenes" the two sisters create - very reminiscent of Harold and Maude.

Martin - I bought this movie several years ago, and I remember watching it, but I didn't remember if I liked it or not. On rewatching it, it was really boring. I don't hate it or anything. It has an interesting premise, but, as usual, I feel that Romero's social commentary gets in the way of the movie instead of adding to the plot. I didn't finish watching it, because I started zoning out and wanting to go to sleep.

After I posted the song lyrics to Star/Fool the other night, I was listening to it in the car with Bill, and I actually saw a shooting star. It was one of those weird moments...For some reason, my whole weekend was full of those weird moments of serendipity.

I have 5 more spikes and the head left to go on my dragon scarf.


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Saturday, September 8, 2007

Do you believe in what you see?

This is nightlife in douglasville, georgia.

Snatches of snatches

Is it saTURDay already? i so dislike crapplebees but my glass of wine was tasty and i met a new friend of bills. i am contemplating feminism in my brain and it doesnt seem 2 fit in well w "decent conversation" ever notice?

Friday, September 7, 2007

More scarf pix

Some pics of the dragon scarf. got a long way 2 go

Thursday, September 6, 2007


OK - I know I am making a retarded amount of posts today, but I'm experimenting.

So, here's the stack of crap I'm working on today. Fun fun fun

These education materials look so garish compared to the rest of the collection here. Ah well.

Anyway - this is the source of the dust that is up my nasal cavities at the moment.

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I'm on the 50th sneeze of the day

Today, boys and girls, I am weeding my curriculum collection. It is a thankless job, but somebody's got to do it - mostly because I have no space.

And secondly, because some of these books are ridiculously old. I just pulled a stack of social studies books from the 60's. Now, if accuracy happens to be something you are interested in, you might want to skip out on using these books. Their useful days are long gone by, although they certainly can still provide some amusement. The amount of dust on these puppies is a bit excessive, though, and I forgot my Claritin at home. So, this should be fun.

I am bored, so I'm trying to figure out how to post pictures from my phone. If it works, you may see random photos of old ass books.

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Yes, 1968 was a good year for "Living in the Americas."

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Pleasantly Unpleasant?

The tiny voice in the back of my mind is reminding me that I didn't finish my dad's tie. It is vexing me somewhat although I did block it, so I did do SOMETHING with it. It's all nice and neatly pinned down and dry....I just need to line it and get it away from me. I'm sick of looking at it.

I am also totally sick of looking at the mermaid outfit I started for Amelia several months ago (June, I think maybe). And I haven't even looked at it in a long while. I stuffed it in the closet and haven't given it much thought, but I really want to be done with it. There's a loooooong way to go on it though :(

And it's not a fast-moving project with lots of different stuff to do to keep me interested. It's a LONG area of the same ol' shit over and over and over. But it's ever so slightly too complex to do in a social setting.

ANYWAY - I'm more excited about the fact that I worked on my dragon scarf today. It's fun to work on, because it's not mindless, changes some on almost every row, and it looks neat.

I may get sick of the red color eventually, but at least the pattern is interesting. It would be even more interesting visually if it were variegated but then it would probably look lame when I got done with it. I'm sure everyone but me is getting sick of seeing these incremental pictures, but I'm so amazed by the coolness of the pattern, I'm going to keep posting them.

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On another note (see entry title), I forced myself to watch Day of the Woman (better known as I Spit on Your Grave) last night. I was left actually liking it. I don't know why. The acting for the first 20 minutes or so was absolutely appalling. After that, the shocking scenes apparently shocked some talent into all involved. My only complaint would be that the "second half" or revenge part of the movie was not violent or vindictive enough for me. And the interspersed sex / revenge parts were morally and ethically confusing, and I still don't know 100% what I think about it.

BUT - the lead character CHOSE all of her actions in the later parts of the movie, and that makes it less blurry morally for me. I also picked up on some things that I don't know if they were intentional or not that amused me...

In one part, she is pointing a gun at a scuzz and he says she asked for it (the typical yadda yadda about her clothes or whatever), and she puts the gun down and seems instantly sweet to him and asks wouldn't he like a hot bath...

The hot bath leads to one of the best scenes in the movie - one of the only scenes that felt like sweet justice. So, I think at the point of his "blaming the victim," she decided that shooting the guy was letting him off too easy.

OK - that's enough. I watched it.

My blood pressure is going up lately, I think. I need to chill.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Got a lot done kind of weekend

I accomplished tons this weekend knitwise. And I got my new phone, so I'm taking more pictures - yay! And my phone seems to take (somewhat) better pictures than my camera so yay again. I finished knitting the wallet and stashed it away to weave in the ends, sew up the seam, felt and sew in the zipper. All of that stuff won't take too long. I will probably get it ready to felt during the week and felt it this coming weekend. Also finished the knitting part on the wristband. Now I need to study the graphic I'm planning on putting on it. I think instead of double stitching, I will use embroidery floss and just wing it. I did the wristband on double points, so no seam to sew up - just a couple of ends to weave in.

I cast on two new projects...

One is a purse kit from Pick Up Sticks! - I am working on the blue version. The gold/green version in the pictures is even too retro for my tastes.

I also started on the dragon scarf from Morehouse Farm Merino - it is seriously badass looking already. I have already done three little dragon "spikes." I am making it in the red version (called "Huff" on the website). Here's a sample...

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I am really thrilled with the results so far. When I first read the directions, I had some serious misgivings and some doubt as to whether I could pull it off, but it's really not nearly as difficult as I thought it would be - just a lot of counting and concentrating. It's not something I can multitask on. The multitask project will be the aforementioned purse which has long stretches of stockinette. I didn't take a picture, because it's just a rectangle of baby blue stockinette stitch right now - not very thrilling.

Oh yeah - I also put the face on my teddy bear:

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The evil Mountain Dew "game fuel" that almost made me vomit and incited really weird dreams can be seen in the background there.

I wish I didn't have to work today, I am in a knitting groove, and that's all I want to do. I want to make more dragon spikes!!

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Sunday, September 2, 2007

Mostly finished projects

I actually did something!! I have been working on a wallet - I'm about halfway done, also been working on a wristband for Jesse - bout halfway done with the plan wristband - still brainstorming about the picture I'm going to try to duplicate stitch onto it...

Anyway - Dad's tie is all pinned and blocked out downstairs to keep cats off of it, but I still have to cut out the liner and sew it on.

Finished the Condom Critter from Naughty Needles completely. The legs are the drawstring to a pouch inside the critter and there's a pocket on the front.
100% DONE =)

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Also stuffed & sewed up the pieces of the teddy bear from Debbie Bliss Simply Baby.

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I bought some black felt for the nose and eyes, but the black hardly shows up on the deep brown color, so all I have left to do is to buy a smidge of a tan-colored felt and slap those on there. Less than 5 minutes of work left on it. So, I'm calling it complete.

Y A Y for doing the finishing bits. I suck at it.

Now I just need to vacuum.

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