Monday, February 26, 2007

DPNS vex me

I am working on what I hope will be a cute project on the double points, but I have already pulled the whole thing out once, and I'm doubting myself at the current moment. It is my first real attempt at socks, but I already learned how to work from a stitch holder, pick up stitches, and turn the work and leave some stitches unworked, so I should be well on my way, yes?

The only thing that confused the hell out of me was when the pattern told me to change the spot where the round began. So, I just fuzzled my way through it, and I think I'm doing ok.

Pictures (maybe) to come later in the week if I can keep from screwing up.

Also - if I finish this project Imma begin a hat - haven't done one of those yet either.

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Saturday, February 24, 2007

V-Day Gift

So, here's my V-Day gift. I used cheaper yarn than the pattern called for, so you can see some stuffing showing through, but it was hard as poop, and I learned a lot of new techniques (increasing, decreasing, dpns, leaving stitches on a holder and coming back to them later - think that's it). So, here it is from both sides. It's from the Winter 06/07 issue of Knit.1 ("The Love Issue").

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Still working on purses. Felted two and working on another. I guess I will post pictures of the felted ones next week although I am not sure if I'm 100% happy with the results.

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Found my camera, but I won't have it back till this weekend. So, by then, my two felted purses should be dried out and I can take pictures of them and the heart. Whoopee!

As I was sitting here at my desk at work knitting on (yet another) purse, a woman came in and got really excited about the yarn and pattern I was using, and I ended up getting her email to send her a pattern and a link to a couple of places on ebay where I've been trolling and buying expensive cum cheap yarn.

It's neat to have a little knit chat with someone, because most of the people I know have no interest in it whatsoever. And all the knitting groups around here meet in the evenings during the week which is exactly when I work :(


So, the thingy I made for V-Day was an anatomically correct heart I snagged from a Knit.1 magazine pattern. But, over the weekend, I seem to have misplaced my camera. So, I will be posting pictures of it as soon as I can remember where the hell I stashed it.
I also felted the stripey purse, and it came out pretty well. I didn't make it as small as the pattern called for, because I thought it would look retarded to have this purse with these huge long straps and a tiny ass little purse on the end that your wallet would barely fit into.
Also finished all details on the green/pink/metallic purse except for felting it. Might do that today if I feel so inclined. Now I need to figure out what my next project will be, cause I'm not feeling like doing the straps on the blue purse, and I know I won't be making much progress on the camo pants.
My mom made me a camo hat. Will post pics when aforementioned camera situation is figured out.

Here's a list of things I want to work on, but I really want to find a kickass pattern that I want to make for myself (aside from the witches britches, cause I want something that will knit up faster and give me quicker gratification):

- mermaid outfit for my niece (out of New Knits on the Block book)
- wristbands for B. & my nephew (by request)
- bikini for my sister (also by request - still looking for the perfect pattern. She wants a red, white & blue bikini - anyone have any ideas of where I can find a pattern? Let me know please.
- mittens for niece (by request - I might try to start on these soon although it's getting warmer cause her b-day is in April)
- Kind of want to make a toy for littlest nephew - need to find a pattern
- witches britches for me
- 5 more purses (know of any cool patterns? Let me know - I'm on the lookout)

Thursday, February 15, 2007

My mom is the coolest

She works at an elementary school and got many of the teachers and some of the kids to knit/crochet hats and scarves for kids at the AFLAC Children's Cancer Center. We are, unfortunately, quite friendly and well-acquainted with the people at the Cancer Center. Anyway - here's a picture. Mom's in red. And she crocheted the neat white hat with flowers that the other lady is holding.

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So, there are a lot of techniques out there that I want to learn and some that I have no intention of trying to do anytime soon, because I envision the frustration, and I'm not feeling it.

I have learned quite a few new things (well, all new things since I just started knitting in October). I am proud of figuring out double points. I'm not perfect at them, but I figured out how to do increases and decreases on them. The hardest part was when I had to leave some stitches on a stitch holder and then come back to them later. I still don't understand which yarn I'm supposed to be using when I'm going back to those stitches later. I kind of just improvised and started out with a new piece (which made the first couple of rounds loose, but I jimmy rigged it later). At one point, I went back to some stitches on the holder and started knitting them and realized like 10 rows up that I was knitting inside out. That was interesting. This is the point where I mastered another technique - unraveling and starting again.

I really like working on circular needles, and I wish I could make socks on circular needles (cause I really want to make some jamming socks and legwarmers), but I think they will need to be done on the double points. If you don't know what any of this crap is that I'm talking about, and you have any interest in knowing more - here are some videos.
The circular needles are easy peezy once you get past that first round of tight stitches.

I woke up around 6am this morning for no reason, and I have been terminally bored since. So, I started two new projects. One is a change purse for my sister, Lisa, to match the makeup bag I made her for XMas. Nextly is another purse (I'm making lots of purses, yes?) made out of the same type of yarn that the green-y metallic-y one is made out of that I posted about earlier. The yarn is called Moda Dea Cache', and I bought a bunch of it for super cheap on eBay. The person who shipped it to me tried to make it smell nice with a dryer sheet, and they do smell nice, but I am allergic to dryer sheets. So, the whole time I'm knitting with this stuff, I'm sneezing and my nose is running. Anyway - that's all beside the point.

This pattern will allow me to learn a new technique - picking up stitches. I watched a video on how to do it earlier, and I think I've got it covered.

So, this is how this one is supposed to look when I'm done (although I'm using a different color yarn)...

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The one that I posted a not yet finished picture of the other day is supposed to look like this (the one with the curly handles, not the long tube)...

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So yeah. I wanna make something cool for myself. I'm itching to actually make something and then use it instead of giving it away or stashing it in the closet to give away at a later date. Pictures of B. with his v-day gift forthcoming. Aren't you excited?

And - to end, I will direct you to another knitter's blog that I have been eyeballing. Her socks are amazing and kickass.

I don't remember how I happened upon it, but I am loving all those socks.

Anyone who knows me also knows that I have a bit of a thing for socks that started when I was a kid. When I'm able to make my own pair of socks, you ain't gonna be able to tell me nothin' (that's Alabama talk for "I will think I'm the shizzle nazz").

The end.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Current Projects

I know there's probably some rule out there that you're not supposed to show anyone your unfinished projects, but I could give a crap. I'm new at this stuff.

So, anyway - first's a finished project that I didn't do. My mom crocheted me a pillow for Valentine's Day (and bought me a box of organic chocolates and some pjs).

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Nextly, I'm totally finished with the knitting and stitching together of this bag, I just haven't gotten up the nerve to felt it yet.

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I am finished with the knitting on this one as well, but I still need to stitch in the straps, sew up the bottom and I am going to felt this one as well. I really like the colors, and I think I might keep this one. If so, it will be the first thing I've made for myself.

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Lastly, I am slowly finishing the purse straps for this one and then I need to stitch up the sides of the bag and it will have a little flap at the top.

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I am also making some camo pants, but they are soooooo slowly coming along, that they don't quite warrant a picture yet. Next up - a cabled purse and I don't know what else.

Also, after v-day, I can post pictures of the thingy I made as a gift.

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