Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Crappy Eating!

I need to snap out of this crappy eating slump I have gotten myself into. I want to eat good stuff, but I am feeling overly lethargic and the options for locally decent restaurants are slim to none.

So, today I ate raisin bread, green tea, some teriyaki jerquee that I found in my cabinet and some chocolate candy. :(

I suck.

Yesterday I had lots of good-for-me Indian food, though, so maybe I'm ok. And I have been lazy about making lunches for work, but I have a good supply of Amy's frozen dinners at both jobs. And I don't feel too bad about eating those. So, maybe I just feel all slumpy, but I haven't been eating too too terribly. And I put up all my clean clothes today which is pretty much my most loathed job.

And started on a sweater - well, a shrug actually. I've never made an adult-sized sweater, but the pattern for this one is super easy compared to a regular sweater. Here's a sleeve (on a cat). Yes, it is mighty orange. That's what it looks like in the book and although I am not usually a huge orange fan, it looks really neato. So, I bought lots of orange yarn.

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Man, chocolate and fake beef jerky leaves a really terrible taste in your mouth.

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Thursday, December 6, 2007

I wish cats would wear clothes

Cause I don't have a dog, and this is about the cutest shit I've ever seen. Every dog should have a shrug. They are the new black dress for doggies. Too bad my cats would probably kill me in my sleep if I made them wear clothes.

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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

O M G!

Holy poop on a stick!

Farm Sanctuary is auctioning off lunch with Paul Reubens!!!!!!!

There are 11 days of the auction left, and it's up to $200

If I lived in LA, I might bid....but I probably wouldn't, because I don't want to ruin my brain image of Pee Wee Herman.

Kind of retarded, huh? Yep.

Monday, December 3, 2007

By the way...

I totally bought that gay shirt on QVC, and it's awesome.

Does your Best Buy have Chinese dragons??

Nope. It doesn't.

But mine does! My nephew had his wish granted by the Make-A-Wish Foundation yesterday, and Best Buy doo'd it up right.

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All of my pictures suck, because I took them with my phone, but the Make-A-Wish volunteers who were with us were taking pics like crazy, so hopefully they got some good ones. I got to ride in one of those Hummer limos that I rag on when I see them. hehe

And I have been finishing so many knitting projects that I find myself without anything to work on!! That sucks! I am totally done with Christmas stuff unless I pick up a new project - with 3 weeks still left, it's completely doable. But, wouldn't it be crazy to make something for myself right now when knitters around the world are frantically knitting on gifts?


OK - my back hurts, and I'm bored now. More later.

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