Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Hi there bloggy land!

I have neglected you so. Go ahead and blame Ravelry, because when I have something knitting related to think about, I usually go there. I don't write on there, though, I just post new pictures of projects in progress.

Speaking of projects in progress, I am working on 3 right now. One I will abstain from mentioning till later.

The first one is the Sleepy Snake from MochiMochiLand. Mine isn't going to be as cute, but oh well. I'm totally done with all of the knitting. Just have to felt it a bit and sew on eyes, ears, toupees - you know, the usual.

Sleepy Snake and Mischievous Mouse

I might post pictures of my own version when I get finished. My snake is black and red and my mouse is gray and pink.

The other project is the knitting needle bag

That link is probably going to fuzzle up, but it's a neat bag knitting in trinity stitch (looks like little bobbles) with the last row at the top on each side left on the needles permanently. I have a couple of sets of badass needles I've been perusing online. I want some snazzy jazzy decorative ones. My bag is a pewter-gray color. The pattern hurts my wrist, but I like the way it looks so far. I am dreading when I get to the point of making the handles. ughhhhh I hate purse handles.

Anyway - so that stuff is pretty boring. See why I haven't updated?

I am going to see Al Gore speak on Thursday. Should be fun.

Back to my tea now.

Oh yeah - and I ended up becoming the chairperson of some library committee, so yay. I hope I don't regret it later.

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